Energy Efficiency Solar Electric Solutions
A Solar Concentrator Tracking Array Project


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   In 1998 Energy Efficiency installed a solar array for an individual in Temecula California using solar concentrator modules. These solar panels include Fresnel lenses to concentrate sunlight so that a smaller piece of solar panel silicon can be used. However, the use of lenses makes tracking a necessity...


[6/98] Work begins on erecting a heavy duty base for a solar concentrator array in Temecula. -- No job too small for Energy Efficiency!

[6/17/98] Below, progess on the solar concentrator array continues with the installation of some of the solar concentrator modules...


[6/30/98] The Temecula solar concentrator array project approaches the final stretch of the project.


[7/17/98] Final wiring in progress.

System Technical details -- This solar concentrating system generates 1300 W uses a two axis tracker. This feeds a 24 volt, 880 Ah battery bank. The system inverter is a Trace SW4024.

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