Hutech / Borg Binoscopes
Featuring the only binoscope
system available in the market.
Optical tubes are Borg telescopes, and
the system may be assembled and
disassembled by the user, making it
possible to travel with a compact
package as well as to upgrade to a
binoscope from a standard Borg
telescope setup. For more details,
download the
Binoscope Manual [PDF 1.4M].
Metal end-caps sold separately (part no.
- Utilizes Borg lightweight OTA's
- User disassembly & assembly makes for
a compact travel package.
- User upgradeable from a standard Borg
- Simple field collimation
- Available in 2/3/4/5/6" (50/76/100/125/150mm)
objective sizes:
Model |
Objective |
F.L. |
BS001 |
50ED |
500 |
BS002 |
76Ach |
500 |
BS003 |
76ED |
500 |
BS004 |
76EDL |
760 |
BS005 |
100Ach |
640 |
BS006 |
100ED |
640 |
BS007 |
125ED |
800 |
BS008 |
150ED |
1005 |
- Fork mounts / tripods available.
- All 3 mirrors per scope are high quality -
1/10 wavelength, 96% reflectivity.
- Individual eye helical focusers for
1-1/4" eyepieces.
- Images are right-side up, left-right reversed.
- Optional case: PE2814-08 (fits BS001 to BS006).
Cases are special ordered for BS007 and BS008.