RGB Filter FAQ

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How was the green/blue crossover point selected? It seems biased toward the green.

The blue/green crossover point was selected with special consideration of the prominent nebular emission lines of oxygen (OIII) which are very close to 500nm. Two additional system factors were considered:

  • Human eye response to OIII emission lines (i.e. human eye blue/green crossover)
  • CCD sensor blue vs. green sensitivity
Since typical CCD's require a longer blue-channel exposure time for proper balance of broad-band (blackbody) sources, a slight bias toward green in the blue/green crossover points in the filter response was added so that the final image would have properly balanced color for both blackbody sources (i.e. stars) and OIII emission line sources (i.e. oxygen-rich nebulosity.

The net response of the filters combined with the Kodak KAF3200ME spectral response curve are shown in figure 1 (type Z filters) and figure 2 (type 4 filters).


Figure 1. Type-Z / Kodak KAF3200ME curves, including 1.4X exposure time for blue channel. Click on the chart for a detailed view.

Figure 1. Type-4 / Kodak KAF3200ME curves, including 1.3X exposure time for blue channel. Click on the chart for a detailed view.

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