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Featured Constellations

Stars in Canis Major

Apart from brilliant Sirius, the Great Dog boasts many naked eye stars, and several of these deserve the attention of the observer. Farther into space, we see that the constellation is strewn with "open" star clusters. There are many more clusters in the area than space permits discussion of here - a number of the standouts are mentioned, and these constitute the principal deep sky objects in Canis Major.

Perhaps surprisingly, there are no bright nebulae in Canis Major; there are a number nearby, however, in Canis Major's northerly neighbor Monoceros, and in Orion to the northwest. The chance positioning of these gas clouds happened to place them outside the boundaries of Canis Major, perhaps the universe's way of compensating for the Great Dog getting the brightest star in the sky. If so, that would make the nebulae given to the other star groups a sort of "constellation prize". OK OK, I couldn't resist.

Stars in Canis Major | M41 | M46/M47 | M93
| NGC 2207 | NGC 2217 | NGC 2362

Home Featured Constellations Stars in Canis Major