Featured Deep Sky Objects

Deep Sky Object Chart | Stars in Canis Major | M46/M47
| M93 | NGC 2207 | NGC 2217 | NGC 2362

M41 is an attractive star cluster located just 4 degrees south of Sirius in the sky, although at a distance of 2350 light years, M41 is actually 300 times farther away. Visible to the unaided eye under good conditions, M41 may be one of the few non-stellar objects noticed by the ancients, as it seems to be on a list of "nebulae" or cloudy spots compiled by Aristotle in 325 BC. Binoculars will have little trouble spotting the cluster as a glowing spot, and telescopes reveal 30 brighter and up to 100 fainter stars scattered across a field about the same apparent width as the moon. Of particular note are several orange giant stars, whose presence in the cluster not only adds attractive color contrast to blue and white members, but also marks the group as an older association where stars have had the time to reach the elderly red giant phase.

Home Stars in Canis Major M46/M47